Aviator Services
Commercial contracting services, HMRC subcontractor verification & a whole lot more. By stepping into the contractual chain, we save you time and money and enable you to work with subcontractors on a long-term basis in a way that’s effective, legal and safe. We successfully work as CIS compliance specialists for a wide range of construction and engineering companies and agencies.
Professional workforce engagement solutions for recruitment and employment businesses. Managing a temporary workforce can be complicated and overwhelming. Our trusted umbrella (or intermediary) solution provides confidence for recruitment agencies to demonstrate supply chain compliance when it comes to temporary labour engagement.
Setting up, managing and maintaining an in-house payroll department (or service) can be a costly and time-sapping business. Your business will need an individual or team with an in-depth legislative knowledge of compliance, data security and PAYE tax systems. We have the solution with our trusted outsourced services born from decades of experience.
The BIG word in the contracting and payroll industry. All our team members are registered with the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP), the UK’s only Chartered body for payroll, pensions and reward professionals and we adhere to their strict code of conduct and engage in a programme of continuous personal development for each team member. We do not engage in any disguised payment schemes, loan arrangements, deferred payment arrangements or anything else that is deemed unlawful by HMRC. You can therefore rest assured that your payroll and contracting arrangements are in safe hands and your business is protected against potential infringements.